The IMG team & some friends from Salesforce hit the windy city to give a free seminar on next-generation automation with a focus on aligning sales and marketing. Like-minded business owners and marketers joined us for drinks and inspiration on a beautiful rooftop garden overlooking Chicago, as our co-founder, Gil, talked about building better connections with the modern buyer through Inbound and Outbound marketing strategies.
Some of the key event takeaways were:
- Effective marketing includes both Inbound and Outbound strategies
- Inbound marketing should be developed to target prospects with specific content relative to the audience
- Marketing is about repetition, consistency and clear messaging – remember the old 7 touch rule
- Email nurture campaigns using Marketing Automation software, like Pardot, are a great way to craft personalized email messages and adapt based on the response
- Test Test Test – Messaging, Headlines, Subjects and Calls to Action
- Track all key metrics – Impressions, Interactions and Conversions
- Generate and track interest and important data points for a successful handoff to sales
- Provide an easy way for sales teams to pass leads back to marketing if they aren’t ready to buy
Pardot is a CRM tool that allows businesses to take an inbound approach to their marketing, increasing brand exposure while pulling in relevant audiences. Salesforce’s adaptive drip nurture campaigns give business the opportunity to communicate with customers based on their actions, providing a relevant & automated sales journey.
As a Salesforce partner, Integrated Media Group has the opportunity to educate 1000’s of business owners on the value of inbound marketing. We look forward to hosting many more live events in the future!
To download the full presentation, click here.