Copywriting & Blogging

Deliver original, compelling, data-driven content that your audiences crave.

We’ll craft relevant blog content optimized to drive traffic to your website and nurture relationships with your readers.

Small businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than those that don’t.

Convert readers into leads.

From covering the latest topics to finding the right keywords, IMG publishes original blogs to attract new readers to your website and convert them into customers.

Copywriting & Blogging

Brands Who Blog Get Bigger & Better Results.

Don’t Believe us? Keep scrolling and see for yourself.

Companies can expect 55% more website visitors by adding a blog.

Boost site traffic by 106% and result in a 434% increase in indexed pages.

Brands with a dedicated blog receive 13X more ROI!

The IMG Difference

Content is king, and we will put your brand at the forefront.

Copywriting Services

Copywriting Services

Whether it’s website content or an email nurture campaign, our copywriter shapes your brand’s messaging, developing powerful copy that will emotionally resonate with your audience.
Content Strategy

Content Strategy

Convert more leads with persuasive, relevant content such as blogs, white papers, and more. IMG saves you time while accelerating business growth.
SEO-Optimized Blogs

SEO-Optimized Blogs

We’ll target industry-specific keywords to improve your online visibility and drive site traffic so you can add new customers to your pipeline.
Design and Graphics

Design and Graphics

Say goodbye to monotonous, boring text. IMG weaves in rich media and custom graphics, making content easily digestible and visually appealing for audiences.

Need one-of-kind, quality content to grow your inbound marketing?

 If you want to connect more intimately with audience members, deepen and expand upon communication, or provide an award-winning user experience, take a peek at our services for SEO and Social Media Marketing!