IMG Team

2023 | The State of CRM


This comprehensive whitepaper provides actionable insights and best practices based on a survey of over 20,000 small business owners.

At Integrated Media Group, we are dedicated to providing business owners with effective tools and strategies for growth and success. That’s why we conducted a comprehensive survey of over 20,000 small business owners and compiled these valuable insights into this ultimate guide for CRM practices. Complete the form below and get the whitepaper delivered instantly to your inbox!

Download our 2023 | State of CRM whitepaper now and improve your CRM strategy by:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of CRM and its impact on business growth.
  • Analyzing top-rated CRM platforms, including cost breakdowns and feature comparisons.
  • Optimizing and maximizing the potential of your CRM system for exceptional results.
  • Exploring powerful add-on integrations to supercharge your CRM capabilities.
  • Discovering why expert assistance is crucial when implementing a CRM.
Copywriting & Blogging

Explore the 2023 | State of CRM whitepaper and gain access to expert insights that can revolutionize the way you manage customer relationships.

In this whitepaper, we not only explain what a CRM is, but we also provide a cost and features comparison of the top-rated CRMs in the market. For those of you who already have a CRM, we also offer tips on how to improve your current CRM setup. You’ll learn about popular add-on integrations that can make your CRM even more powerful. And if you are thinking about implementing a new CRM, we explain why you should use an expert to do it. Improve your CRM strategy today and revolutionize the way you manage customer relationships today.

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About Us

We’re Integrated Media Group: a full-service digital agency focused on marketing and technology helping organizations of all sizes, in all verticals, across the US and beyond.


CRM/Marketing automation implementations


Salesforce User Licenses Managed


Hours of CRM customization, development, training, and support hours logged.

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Contact us at or 855-511-9100.