A HubSpot to Salesforce Success Story

Elevating Experiences: How IMG Facilitated the Transition from HubSpot to Salesforce CRM with Enhanced User Training and Zero CRM Downtime

A HubSpot to Salesforce Success Story

A company [whitelabeled for client privacy] was facing challenges with their existing CRM system.

While they were previously using HubSpot CRM, management mandated a transition to Salesforce and Salesforce Account Engagement (AE formerly Pardot) due to its advanced capabilities and integration potential. However, the team had reservations about the migration, particularly concerning their satisfaction with HubSpot and the expected user experience (UX) on Salesforce AE.

challenges with their existing CRM<br />
transition to Salesforce and Salesforce Accoun

To address their challenges and maximize the potential of Salesforce Account Engagement, IMG’s team developed a comprehensive solution focusing on seamless migration, enhanced user experience, and advanced account engagement capabilities:

Migration Strategy

Migration Strategy: IMG implementation team developed a customized migration plan tailored to our client’s specific requirements and data structures. Leveraging our expertise in CRM migrations, we ensured a smooth transition from HubSpot to Salesforce AE, minimizing disruption to daily operations.

Enhanced User Training

Enhanced User Training: Recognizing the importance of user adoption, our certified team conducted extensive user training sessions to familiarize our client’s team with the Salesforce AE interface and functionality. We emphasized the intuitive features of Salesforce AE and provided ongoing support to address any user concerns or challenges.

Advanced Account Engagement Tools

Advanced Account Engagement Tools: Leveraging Salesforce AE’s comprehensive suite of tools, our integration team customized account engagement processes to align with our client’s unique business objectives. We implemented advanced automation workflows and integrated marketing initiatives to streamline account engagement and enhance customer interactions.

Analytics Implementation

Analytics Implementation: To empower data-driven decision-making, our team implemented Salesforce Analytics Studio, providing the client’s team with actionable insights into their account engagement efforts. We conducted extensive training sessions to ensure that all team members could leverage Analytics Studio effectively and derive meaningful insights from their data.

Custom Dashboards Development

Custom Dashboards Development: Understanding the importance of tailored reporting, our team began developing custom dashboards within Salesforce to provide real-time visibility into key performance metrics. By collaborating closely with our client’s team, we designed dashboards that catered to their specific reporting needs and developing business objectives.

Enhanced User Training

Zero Downtime & Uninterrupted Operations: By minimizing and eliminating downtime during the CRM transition, our client continued serving its customers without any interruptions or delays. This ensured that critical processes such as sales, customer support, and operations remain unaffected, preserving customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Overall, the migration to Salesforce Account Engagement has positioned our client for continued success, enabling them to elevate their Account Engagement strategies and achieve their business objectives with confidence.

Salesforce Account Engagement

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